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Italian love songs: English lyrics of "Non me lo so spiegare", duet with Laura Pausini and Tiziano Ferro

Two of Italy’s great names in music, Laura Pausini and Tiziano Ferro, got together for this duetNon me lo so spiegare” or “I don’t know how to explain it”.
See below for the lyrics in English of a painful love song.

Non me lo so spiegare”, Laura Pausini and Tiziano FerroSolo che pensavo a quanto è inutile farneticareE credere di stare bene quando è inverno e teTogli le tue mani caldeNon mi abbracci e mi ripeti che son grande,mi ricordi che rivivo in tante cose…nanananaOnly I thought how useless it is to raveAnd believe I’m okay when it’s winter and youTake your warm hands awayYou don’t hug me and repeat that I’m great,You remind me I live in many things…nananana

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