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Explore Sardinia's wild interior

The breathtakingly beautiful Ogliastra region in Sardinia with its crystal-blue sea and glittering white sands, is like a piece of heaven fallen to earth; but there ’s more to it than you can imagine; I’m talking about the wild landscape of the interior which sadly enough tends to be overlooked; the place you have heard of but never visited.

Located in the wild heart of the Ogliastra region and surrounded by amazing mountains, the small town of Urzulei with its 1,300 inhabitants still retains its original features.
The whole area around it is made up of caves, steep gorges and gullies where one can easily come upon specimens of the famous Cervo Sardo (Sardinian deer).

The place is also home to the famous Sedda ar Barras, a centuries-old yew tree (protected by law).
To find more about the place watch the above video by Riccardo De Luca.

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