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Italian appetizer recipes: rosemary pancake

This delicious rosemary pancake recipe is from Lazio, a region in Central Italy.
In the old days these frittelle or pancakes were prepared by peasants without using scales, so this time there’s no need to worry about measuring out the ingredients – this is a measure free recipe!Ingredients: flour, water, yeast, a sprig of rosemary, sugar and salt.

Preparation: sift the flour, salt and yeast in a bowl; pour in the water and work the dough so that it gets some air.
At this point add a pinch of salt and sprinkle of chopped rosemary.
Drop round tablespoonfuls of batter into an oiled skillet, flip the pancake over with a palette knife several times and cook until golden brown.

Next place on kitchen paper and add a sprinkle of sugar.
The sugar is the secret ingredient which adds extra flavour to the recipe.

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