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Giant snails in Milan modern city art design

Modern art in Milan took an interesting turn with Italy’s economic capital overrun by gigantic snails.
The snails are on display in Milan’s city centre, from the Vittorio Emmanuele Gallery, to the piazza at the front of La Scala opera house, and Piazza San Fedele.

The bright purple snails will move in January to Piazzetta Reale, before stopping out the front of Milan’s central train station.

The idea, called “Regenation” comes from the Cracking Art Group of six designers, and is a message that speed, especially in the frenetic city of Milan, is not always the best way to live.

The snails reflect the shape of an ear, inviting people to listen to those around them, and also take up an environmental theme.
“The snail is an animal that takes his house with him on his back, and we want Milan to move together with the environment,” said Finazzer Flory, who helped sponsor the exhibition.
The snails measure more than two metres high and are three metres long.

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