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Italian recipes: bucatini primavera dish

This rather simple, light bucatini pasta dish could be perfect for your summer meals.
This variety of pasta is usually used to make the famous amatriciana, but this time I want to prepare something different; light but really tasty!Ingredients bucatini pasta; aubergines, zucchini, tomatoes, mozzarella, parsley, basil, garlic, oil and salt and pepper.

First grill the zucchini and aubergines and then add parsley, garlic and extra-virgin oil.
Next cook the bucatini until al dente, drain and place into a bowl.
At this point chop the tomatoes in four pieces and place them on the top of the pasta, add the grilled vegetable.

a pinch of salt and pepper and the chopped mozzarella.
Stir and season with oil, parsley and basil and serve.

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