From 5th March to 5th September, the Capitoline Museums will host an extraordinary exhibition devoted to Rome’s glorious past.
Actually I Giorni di Roma or The Days of Rome, this is the name given to the exhibition, is part of a far more ambitious project which aims to shed a new light on how the Antique Romans, inspired by the Greek, succeeded in creating a new form of art.
From the first years of the Empire to the conquest of the countries in the Mediterranean area, the Romans gave the world a series of really amazing works of art and this exhibition which has been divided into several sections will give you the unique opportunity to see many of these extraordinary masterpieces; from beautiful friezes (one of these comes from a prestigious museum of Copenhagen) to marble/ bronze statues and dainty objects made of terracotta.
But more exhibitions dedicated to Rome , its art and history (such as Il volto dei potenti and Costruire un Impero which are respectively scheduled for 2011 and 2012 ) are on the way, so stay tuned for updates!