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Rome to host major exhibition on Hadrian's villa

In the early 2nd century the Emperor Hadrian decided to build a villa at Tibur,; he wanted a retreat away from his Palatine Palace (which he did not like at all) and the noisy crowd that daily swarmed the streets of Rome.

The villa was a complex of more than 30 buildings, entirely modelled on Greek and Egyptian architecture.

The villa was also the home of such important woks of art as the famous Discobolus and Young Centaur which were both unearthed during excavations in the 18th century.

Villa Adriana, una storia mai finita Now for the first time in history all these masterpieces will be on display at a major exhibition called Villa Adriana una storia mai finita.
On the occasion a whole gallery with roman busts and heads (including Antinoo’s) will be set up at the Antiquarium del Canopo.
Visitors will also have the unique opportunity to see plans and drawings of Hadrian’s luxury villa.

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Discovering Rome: the Rione Monti district

26 April, 2020
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