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Exploring central Italy: Parco Nazionale dei Monti Sibillini, Marche

Tourists’ love affair with Italy has a long history behind it and more often not tourists get to know the country very well! A few days ago I had the pleasure to talk to Pizzodisevo (this is just a nickname), a tourist who years ago decided to leave behind his own country and live in the Marche region.

His knowledge of the place is quite amazing and the pictures he took of the road that from Sarnano leads to Fiastra are really good, capturing the essence of the whole area (Parco Nazionale dei Monti Sibillini); a magic place where there are no cars and everything is quiet and beautiful.

So if you want to relax and enjoy nature, you may be interested to know that in Fiastra there’s a lovely agriturismo entirely made of stone and called Degli Alti Pascoli (situated at 800 metres above level see) where you can stay for only 40 euros pr night.
Many outdoor activities are available; from hiking and riding to fishing and mountain biking.

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