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Foreign media's impression of Rome

Writer James Joyce did not love Rome which he used to describe as a man who lives by exhibiting to travellers his grandmother’s corpse, but years have passed since those days and now foreign magazines and newspapers tend to praise Rome to the sky, though sometimes they do lament inefficiency in local government .

Now going back to the praise, I have recently read two interesting and very enthusiastic articles about Rome; one by Keith Miller for the Telegraph and the other by Tom Fort! Both seem to see Rome as one of the best places where to live! The only sore point, according to these articles, is the Circus Maximum which people should avoid – too many bikers, joggers and wide boys!

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Italy's most popular churches

11 April, 2020
Travel portal Trivago, for the Church month of May, has published the most appreciated basilicas, cathedrals and churches in Italy. The top ten churches of Italy are based on the…