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Pablo Picasso's paintings on display at the Vittoriano in Rome

More than 50 years have passed since Pablo Picasso’s last exhibition in Rome, so if you are in Rome or just passing through, you can’t afford to miss this important event devoted to one of the greatest artists of 20th century.

This new exhibition running until 8th February showcases the works the Spanish painter created between 1917 and 1937; a huge display that underpins the great inner freedom with which Picasso approached art; through his famous and controversial phases we can at last understand how the artist ‘s mind and talent worked.

Opening hours: 9:30am – 7:30pm on Tuesdays and Wednesdays; 9:30am – 11:30pm on Fridays and Saturdays; 9:30am – 8:30pm on Sundays.
Entrance fee: € 10; reduced ticket € 7,50

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