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Milan: happy hour at Poldi Pezzoli Museum

In order to entice young people into visiting its rooms, the Poldi Pezzoli Museum in Milan has organised a series of cocktail parties during which young visitors will have the pleasure to stroll down its galleries with an aperitif in their hands and have a leisurely look at the amazing works on display ( the museum is home to Pollaiolo’s masterpiece Portrait of a Girl).

So if you are interested in this rather interesting initiative, remember to visit the place on 21 and 28 April; for just 8 euros you will have the opportunity to drink free cocktails and enjoy very good art.
Young visitors will also get free access to the exhibition Ospiti inaspettati.

Casi di ieri.
Design di oggi or ” Unespected guests.
Yesterday’s homes, today’s design.

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Discovering Rome: the Rione Monti district

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