The Christmas festivities are over but this Italian recipe for cotechino pie is a classic and absolutely perfect for your winter meals when temperatures are low and you need to be kept warmed.
Here are the ingredients: 1 cotechino ( zampone can do as well), mashed potatoes; two discs of pate brisée; Parmesan cheese.
Preparation: cook the cotechino and then leave it to cool.
Next cut into slices (remember to remove the fat).
In the meanwhile mash the potatoes and roll out two discs of pate brisée.
Put the first disc on the baking dish and then gently place a layer of mashed potatoes on it.
At this point add a layer of cotechino slices on top and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.
Next place the second disc of pate brisee, firmly press the edges together to seal and then bake at 200° c until golden brown and crusty.