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Summer in Milan: museums and events – free entrance to Triennale Design Museum

Smart tourists in Italy often tour art cities in August as they know they won’t encounter the crowds that appear around other holiday times.
If you get the chance, you can even visit the Triennale Design Museum in Milan for free until August 31.

The offer includes the Studio Museo Achille Castiglioni and the Made in Cassina exhibition.

The aim of the museum is to exhibit the best in Italian design through a series of shows that change every 12 months, with different themes and set-up.

The Triennale di Milan and the Triennale Design Museum will be open all month from 10:30 to 8:30pm, except Mondays.
The Studio Museo Achille Castiglioni will be open from Tuesday to Saturday from 10 to 1pm, and will be closed from August 3 to August 25.
The iniatives are included in the events of Bella Estate di Milano or summer in Milan, including cinema, evening museum visits, holidays in Milan 2008 and children’s events such as cinema under the stars and the puppet castle.
For a photo gallery of the musuem and more information from Antonio Moro, go here.

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