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Neapolis in fabula: when jazz meets Napolitan music

Neapolis in fabula is a rather unusual show which brings together three different people and talents; a musician, an artist and a writer who for the first time meet on the stage and from there they slowly start to weave their spell upon the audience.

Giosy Cincotti, a musician who loves ethnic jazz; Lico Esposito, a stage and costume designer with a deep knowledge of music and last but not least Marcello D’Orta, a writer who a few years ago with his book Io Speriamo che me la cavo topped the best seller list for weeks on end.

Together they have created this multimedia project, a tasty blend of art and music, which has just one objective: to spirit away the very essence of Napolitan music ( its sweet and catchy melodies) to a fairy tale world where everything is still possible!

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