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Italian recipes for Easter: cheese pizza from Umbria

Easter in Italy is a time of traditional Italian recipes, where every family pulls out the old recipe book and makes something from times gone by.
In Umbria, the “crescia” is famous, and often better known as a cheese pizza.

In fact, the main ingredients are parmesan cheese, pecorino and milk, creating a dish that goes with just about anything.

Ingredients: 500 g of type 00 flour, 50 g of butter, 25 g of lard, 30 g of beer yeast, 150 g of grated parmesan cheese, 50 g of fresh pecorino, one glass of milk, three eggs, salt and pepper.

Heat the milk in a pan, and melt the yeast in the milk, mixing and letting rest for a few minutes.
Add the flour and some sugar.
Beat the eggs, add salt and then add to the mix, kneading for about 15 minutes.
Add the softened butter and then leave to rise for two hours.
Knead the mixture again, adding the grated parmesan, shaved pecorino and lard.
Place in an oiled and floured tin and leave to rise again for another hour, before baking in the oven at about 200°C for an hour.

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