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Trashy Italian cinema: Christmas with Belen Rodriguez in South Africa

Italy describes its annual trashy cinemafest at Christmas time ‘cinepanettone’ and this year’s “Christmas in….
” film is being shot in South Africa, using the backdrop of this year’s 2010 Word Cup.
Italian show girl (from Argentina) Belen Rodriguez has become so famous she will likely pull in the crowds big time at Italian cinemas this year, as she does a kind of Lara Croft routine.

Taking Rodriguez to South Africa is an attempt to revive the flagging fortunes of the cinepattone after the “Natale a Beverly Hills” managed to bring in a mere 20 million euros (the worst result in five years of these films apparently).

Other actors ’starring’ in the film include Christian de Sica, Giorgio Panariello and another Argentinian, Laura Esquivel.
The film will be directed by Neri Parenti and past editions have seen appearances from Sabrina Ferilli and Michelle Hunziker.
It’s produced, as per tradition, by Aurelio DeLaurentiis‘ and we expect an awful lot of dreadful jokes about vuvuzelas and various orifices involved.
Brace yourselves for Italian cinema at Christmas time….

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