I have just come upon this beautiful video showing the frescoes of Santa Maria di Campagna in Piacenza.
Beautiful and touching are also the words that accompany the video: ” When I saw these awe-inspiring frescoes all lit up and alive with a strange and transcendental beauty I thought that the same loveliness can sometimes be found in the sky on a summer’s day “.
This church was built by Alessio Tramello between 1522 and 1528 just where Pope Urban II solemnly launched the first crusade in 1095.
If you step inside you can admire a series of amazing masterpieces by Pordenone, Procaccini, Bernardino Gatti and Francesco Mochi, one of Guercino’s disciples.
In the old days the church was a great favourite with pilgrims bound for Jerusalem who would often stop here and ask for Mother Mary’s protection.
Her image called by local people la Campagnola or the peasant girl was thought to have thaumaturgic powersPiasintei’s videos on youtube.
The church on google map.