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Rome restaurants: Da Bucatino in Testaccio district

“Da Bucatino” in Testaccio (a popular district in the heart of Rome) is one of those typical restaurants in which people can enjoy their food without having to pay too much attention to style and formal elegance.
The restaurant is a throwback to the 70s way of living and the retro d├ęcor reminds one of those now distant times.

In the summer one can have lunch or dinner alfresco, which makes a delightful change.
Roman dishes rule the menu of course.
The first courses, which will only cost you 9 euros, are usually based on pasta: bucatini alla amatriciana; fettucine with truffle and mushrooms; pasta with chickpeas and gnocchi with tomato sauce which is served only on Thursdays.

As a second course you may have roast pig or piglet if you prefer, with potatoes on the side for 10 or 13 euros.
Also on the menu are delicious veal-based courses for just 13.
00 euros; and if you are in the mood you can always order pizza and draught wine! The dinner will cost you around 30.
00 euros which is superb value.
Remember that after nine in the evening it is forbidden to park cars there, so you should park just outside the area or you will get a parking ticket! Visualizzazione ingrandita della mappa

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