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Italian recipes: homemade focaccia with potatoes and rosemary

This easy Italian recipe will have you making homemade focaccia with only a little patience required for rising time.
Focaccia is a tradition that is most closely linked with Liguria, where you can generally find Italy’s best focaccia.
The ingredients for this classic rosemary and potato focaccia are: 25 grams of yeast, 100 ml of warm water, one teaspoon of sugar, two boiled potatoes, some rosemary and ‘manitoba’ flour.

For the top of your focaccia you will need plenty of olive oil and salt.
Mix the yeast and sugar together, slowly add the water and then mix with the flour (unfortunately our recipe doesn’t specify how much so it might be hit and miss at the start).

Knead your dough into a soft, large and elastic ball.
Leave it to prove, covered, for about 30 minutes.
When the dough is about double its original size, then roughly mash the potatoes, mix them with the dough and place it in all in an oven tray.
Drizzle some olive oil over the top, add salt and rosemary.
Cook in a hot oven of 180°C for about 35 minutes.

This makes a perfect Italian snack for any party!

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