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I’m a Celebrity 2020: from the new scenery to the protagonists

I'm a Celebrity 2020: the new season of 2020 includes some news in the cast of protagonists but mostly in the scenery.

The new season of I'm a Celebrity

ITV officially announced the line-up of the show during “I’m A Celebrity… A Jungle Story” on Sunday morning November 8. “I’m a Celebrity 2020” will start on Sunday November 15. So, the show is just around the corner and it is still going ahead despite the Coronavirus pandemic.

The new season seems to look rather different than previous years.

I’m a Celebrity 2020: the new scenery

Already in the early August, it was confirmed that the much-loved show would be welcoming a change of scenery for series 20: from the Australian jungle to the UK countryside.

This change was inevitable due to the Coronavirus pandemic. As ITV Studios’ director of entertainment, Richard Cowles, said: “We pulled out all the stops to try and make the series happen in Australia. Unfortunately, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it became apparent that it just wasn’t possible for us to travel and make the show there.” However, he also clarified that the same tone and feel will remain.

The official new location is Gwrych Castle in Abergele, North Wales. The Castle sits in an amazing and atmospheric setting on a hillside overlooking the Irish Sea.

After admitting they had many difficulties in finding a new location, Cowles said: “While there will be plenty of changes required as we move from New South Wales in Australia to North Wales in the UK, we are really excited to see how we can adapt the format and make the Castle our new home for a very special 20th series this autumn.

Moreover, producers have also booked the nearby Manorafon Farm Park. The show will be characterized by the presence of llamas, meerkats and a reptile hut.

Who are the stars of I’m a Celebrity 2020?

Let’s see now who are the protagonists who are hoping to be crowned either the King or the Queen of the castle.

  • The first is Beverly Callard. She is 63 and she played the role of the barmaid in a ITV soap. She’s most scared of “ghosts and insects” and she will miss her dogs and her husband the most.
  • Another protagonist of the show will be Giovanna Fletcher. The 35-year-old, married to McFly singer Tom, has a big online following. Giovanna has a fear of heights and admits that her legs “go wobbly”.
  • AJ Pritchard is selected as a protaginist too but on November 7, it was revealed that AJ had tested positive for coronavirus while isolating with girlfriend Abbie Quinnen near the North Wales castle.
  • Shane Richie is another protagonist. He is 56 and he is dad. Shane’s fear is “human faeces”. He said: “If I see one, it is over! I am hoping the camp toilet will be enclosed.”
  • Hollie Arnold, 26, is a record-breaking British parasport javelin athlete. She thinks her role in camp will be the “cook” or a “shoulder to cry on”. Her dream camp mate would be Michelle Keegan, and she’ll miss her “boyfriend, food and cats” the most.
  • Let’s know now Jordan North. He is known at the station of Radio 1 as “the supply teacher”. “It’s just easier to say what I am not scared of. I have so many phobias,” he said. Jordan also thinks that in camp he’ll be the “entertainer” and the “tidy up person”.
  • Sir Mo Farah. The four-times Olympic gold medallist is sure to be among the favourites to be crowned King of the Castle as he takes his first strides into reality TV.
  • The 46-year-old star Vernon Kay has been approached several times in the past, but ITV bosses have only just managed to sign him up. Vernon thinks that he’ll be the “person to keep spirits up” while in the camp, and admits that he’ll miss his family most.
  • Jessica Plummer joined EastEnders in 2019 as hairdresser Chantelle, and became a fan favourite. In terms of her fears, she points to “arachnophobia” a “fear of heights” and “just about every phobia”.
  • At the end we have Victoria Derbyshire. She is 52 and she is a broadcaster, also a well-respected figure in TV. She said: “I am not a fan of spiders or confined spaces and I don’t know what I am going to be like when I get there”.



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