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Letitia Wright responds to anti-vax video backlash: “I didn’t want to hurt anyone”

The actress defends herself by posting a statement on Twitter.

Letitia Wright replies to the accuses after posting anti-vax video

Black Panther star Letizia Wright was severely accused after sharing an anti-vax video. She insisted she didn’t want to “hurt anyone”.

Letitia Wright responds to anti-vax video backlash

The British actress responded to extensive blacklash after she posted a video called “Covid-19: Sould we take it?”.

In this video, the presenter exposed his personal opinion about the efficacy and safety of jabs.

On Friday afternoon, Wright defended herself from the accusals by posting a brief Tweeter statement. She wrote: “My intention was not to hurt anyone, my ONLY intention of posting the video was it raised my concerns with what the vaccine contains and what we are putting in our bodies.

Nothing else.”

The video incriminated

On Thursday night, Wright tweeted a 69-minute video from YouTube channel “On The Table” without comments aside. The video featured a commentary from Tomi Arayomi, the presenter, in which he questioned the legitimacy of the COVID-19 vaccination. The man said: “I am just a big sceptic of needles and vaccinations in general, I think the body should be able to produce the right antibodies to fight things.”

Moreover, he added: “We can just get the vaccine out there and hope it doesn’t make extra limbs grow, hope to god you don’t develop children that have 11 fingers and 12 toes, we are hoping for the best. We have seen vaccines do damage before.” After accusing China of spreading COVID-19 and making also transphobic comments, the tweet has since been deleted.

Also the description of the video was so provocative. It said: “Tonight I’m talking about Luciferase, the ingredient allegedly being added to the Covid vaccine to detect those who have not taken it. Luciferase, named by its founder after Lucifer.”



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