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School after Covid lockdown

The government has released a new plan for children returning back to school. After Covid lockdown, school layout will change for Britain's pupils.

School Covid lockdown
Pupils will return to school after lockdown. What will it be like?

The government has decided that school after Covid lockdown will reopen with some rules. Britain’s primary pupils may face different layouts when they return to the classroom.

School after Covid lockdown – What will it be like?

When pupils return to school after lockdown their friends will look the same, so will their teachers and the lessons will also continue, however all of this staying two metres apart.

The kids will spend the lunchtime at their desks, they will not be able to play outside and toilet times will be scheduled.

The worst part is that contact with the teachers will be limited. A rough model for when the schools reopen in June.

Back to school: the impact on the pupils’s

One East Yorkshire teacher said: “We are worried how this will affect children’s mental health and also educational outcomes. I’m concerned that parents are not being made aware of what education will look like and that their child’s experience will be far from normal. Children have already undergone a lot of disruption and, at a time when we wish we could return to our normal routines in order to reassure them, I fear this will only unsettle them further.”

One head teacher this week took the unusual move of spelling out the changes to parents on her school website, writing: “Some of the parents who want their child to return have stated this is for their mental health and well-being. This worries me more as I do feel some of the measures I will have to take will completely work against this.”

Then Gavin Williamson, the Health Secretary left the rules to individual schools to have the “flexibility” following Government guidelines. Headteacher now faces making their school safe from A to Z in just two weeks. The guideline itself suggests schools to introduce one-way systems for kids, divide corridors to keep them apart and stagger breaks as well as arrival and home times so parents don’t congregate.

He tries to reassure worried parents about children returning to school that the Government’s approach is based on the “best scientific advice with children at the very heart of everything we do”.


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