News in the case of Madeleine McCann, according to police a new suspect would be a paedophole German drifter

Madeleine McCann has been disappeared for years but her parents don’t give up to get the suspects. Now, Metropolitan Police said a 43-year-old German prisoner is the prime suspect. He is a convicted sex offender who lived in a “mean” farmhouse. He is described as white with short blond hair, possibly fair, and about 6ft tall with a slim build while police haven’t said his name.
Who is now the prime suspect in the McCann case?
Christian Hoppe, a German state prosecutor confirmed that he is a paedophile who has been convicted of sexual abuse against children as well as other sex crimes. The suspect is currently in prison for a sex crime and has two previous convictions for “sexual contact with girls”.
The suspect had rented a ramshackle farm building from a British man two miles from the resort and had made money selling cars. “He disappeared without a word from the Algarve farmhouse in 2006. Then six months later I was asked to help clean up the place and it was disgusting, absolutely vile. We found a bin bag and inside were wigs and exotic clothing” said Former neighbours.
Before Maddie was taken from, the suspect having transient lifestyle, worked in several casual hospitality jobs in Lagos area, then he was dealing with drug, burgled hotels and apartment complexes.
The investigation
Back in 2013 Scotland Yard said that a blond man had been seen lurking by the apartment where Maddie was taken from. This evening detectives said the e-fit of the man that was released at the time had ‘not been ruled out‘.
He has been linked to an early 1980s camper van – with a white upper body and yellow skirting, registered in Portugal – which was pictured in the Algarve in 2007.
Scotland Yard said he was driving the vehicle in the Praia da Luz area in the days before Maddie’s disappearance and is believed to have been living in it for days or weeks before and after May 3.
The day after Maddie went missing, the suspect got the car re-registered in Germany under someone else’s name, although it is believed the vehicle was still in Portugal.