After the confirmation of new 49 cases, the authorities of Beijing have implemented new lockdown measure in some neighborhood near to a seafood market.

New Covid outbreak in Beijing linked to a seafood market have pushed authorities to enforce lockdown measures over some neighborhoods at “very high” risk.
The reasons behind new lockdown in Beijing
The number of people tested positive is 49, the majority of them, 36 cases, connected to the Xinfadi seafood supermarket in Beijing, immediately closed after being recognized as focus of the spreading.
Xu Hejian, a spokesman for the Beijing city government, alerted: “The risk of the epidemic spreading is very high, so we should take resolute and decisive measures.” He announced that Beijing entered “an extraordinary period.” In last four days Beijing registered new 79 cases, the a different situation compared to the previous 55 days in which the only people who contracted the virus are those coming back from other countries.
For this reason, Beijing authorities have imposed new measure of security checks, made announcement on the speaker, house visits and phone call trying to built a list of those who visited the marker in the recent days. The employees of the market and the people have been in contact were obliged to quarantine for 14 days.
The Covid situation in China
Surveys taken at the market have demonstrated that the virus was contained in fish and meat. Therefore two party official were fired for “failing to implement”, according to state media.
Yang Peng, an epidemiologist with the Beijing city government, reported that the virus might gave come from overseas. And also added: “it is found that the virus came from Europe and the preliminary assessment is that the virus came from overseas. But it is not clear how the virus came into this market.” China was often accused of hiding the real number of the spreading by analyst and researchers from the rest of the world. However, the confirmed cases are 83,000 of Covid with an official death toll of 4,634.
Then Hu Xijin, Global Times editor posted on Twitter: “There is no way Beijing becomes Wuhan 2.0. The world will see China’s powerful capacity in controlling the epidemic, including government’s strong leadership, respect to science, public’s willingness to cooperate and nationwide coordination of control measures. We will win again.”