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Naya Rivera died at 33, the body was found in the lake

"She mustered enough energy to get her son back on the boat but not enough to save herself", said the Police. The Glee Star went missing five days ago.

rivera died after body found in the lake

Naya Rivera is dead aged 33, after her lifeless body has been found in the lake five days after missing. The Glee star went on a boat trip with his son, then disappeared. Police discovered the boy alone on the boat.

Glee Star Naya Rivera, 33, is dead – her body found floating in the lake

The police commented: “She mustered enough energy to get her son back on the boat but not enough to save herself.” The Glee star body was discovered floating near the surface of Lake Piru on Monday.

Officials believe plants have hidden the body, making research difficult.

Ventura County Sheriff Bill Ayub confirmed investigators are “confident” the body is unfortunately Rivera, according to location, physical characteristics and clothing. The sheriff also revealed that there was no indication that Naya suicide or foul play. Rivera’s son Josey, 4, had told cops that his mom: “boosted him onto the deck of their rental boat from behind” before he “saw her disappear under the surface of water” after they went swimming.

At first, cops had refused to reveal the identity of the body, citing protocol, before Buschow confirmed the tragic news until ME [medical examiner] verifies. The Ventura County Medical Examiner’s Office did not have any additional information as of 1.10 pm local time. KTLA stated that emergency crews and divers discovered the body floating in the lake “at first light” this morning.

Waved unfortunate stories

Lake Pirus got to the news for other deaths and icy waters that can overwhelm swimmers. Just 90 minutes before the accident, she had taken a photograph of her son on the boat and sent it to the family. The photo contained a cove in the lake, which was where police narrowed their search.

Naya Rivera acted as Santana Lopez in Glee for six seasons. She is the third cast member died. Cory Monteith has died in 2013 from a toxic mix alcohol and heroin. Also, Mark Salling killed himself in 2018 after pleading guilty to child pornography charges.

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