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Sexual assault in the ancestral home, Queen’s cousin will be sentenced

The assault happened in February 2020

One of the Queen’s cousin is due to be sentenced on Tuesday because the relative admitted to sexually assaulting a woman. The Queen’s relative is Simon Bowe-Lyon. The Earl of Strathmore admitted that he had attacked a woman at his ancestral home in Scotland.

The incident happened in February last year and involved a 26-year-old woman.

Queen’s cousin will be sentenced: sexual assault

A 34-year-old man was initially granted bail and placed on the Sex Offenders Register. He is up for sentencing on Tuesday which will take place in Dundee Sheriff Court.

Based on the court, it happened in a bedroom at Glamis Castle in Angus. The castle is the seat of the family that the late Queen Mother was a part of, the Earls of Strathmore and Kinghorne.

A Queen’s cousin said he was greatly ashamed of his actions and he had apologised quickly to the woman concerned. He said he was deeply sorry for his behaviour and the anguish it had caused. He also added that he would also like to apologise to family, friends, and colleagues for the distress he has caused them.

The Queen’s cousin mentioned drinking to excess as a reason for the incident. Then he went on to say that consumption of alcohol was “no excuse” for his actions. He added, “I did not think I was capable of behaving the way I did but have had to face up to it and take responsibility. Over the last year, this has involved seeking and receiving professional help as well as agreeing to plead guilty as quickly as possible.”


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