This afternoon the Prime Minister will explain what we will be allowed to do starting from May 17, as UK is now on the way to unlock "cautiously but irreversibly".

Boris Johnson will hold a press conference from Downing Street today at 5pm to explain the next measures against Covid-19. The third stage of PM’s roadmap will come into force on May 17 and it’s expected to bring more freedom to Brits.
Latest encouraging data allow the Government to proceed in its plan for easing restrictions, since all pre-established criteria have been met. The Prime Minister said yesterday in this regard: “The data reflects what we already knew – we are not going to let this virus beat us.
“The road map remains on track, our successful vaccination programme continues – more than two-thirds of adults in the UK have now had the first vaccine – and we can now look forward to unlocking cautiously but irreversibly.
“It’s because of the British public’s unwavering commitment that we are saving lives, protecting the NHS and controlling the virus.”
The new rules will allow people from different households will be allowed to meet indoors since May 17. People will also be allowed to hug each other, as Cabinet office minister Michael Gove confirmed.
“As we move into stage three of our roadmap, it will be the case that we will see people capable of meeting indoors.
“And without prejudice to a broader review of social distancing, it is also the case that friendly contact – intimate contact – between friends and family is something we want to see restored” – Gove told yesterday on BBC’s Andrew Marr Show.
Up to six people will be allowed to meet indoors and overnight stay will be permitted again. But no more than two different households can mix at once.
Pubs and restaurant will welcome groups of maximum six people to seat at the same table, while the limit on outdoor meetings will go up to 30.
In his press conference, Mr Johnson will also announce the reopening of exercise classes, museums, cinemas and indoor children’s play areas. Moreover, the limit of 30 people, that is now effective for weddings, will also be extended to funerals.
Lastly, Brits will also be allowed to go on holiday abroad, following the traffic light system.