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Vaccine eligibility extends to all over 30s

From May 26, NHS allows anyone aged 30 or over to book the Covid vaccine, as the vaccination programme proceeds at a "phenomenal pace".

over 30s eligible for vaccine

All over 30s are now eligible for Covid vaccine in the UK, as the vaccination programme continues apace. About one million people aged between 30 and 31 will receive a text message from the NHS in the next few days.

The message count as an invitation to make an appointment and get the vaccine. So, everyone in their 30s and over can book both the vaccine jabs on the NHS website.

Over 30s can get the vaccine

Heath officials have accelerated the vaccination schedule in order to offer second jabs sooner.

The second dose should indeed ensure more protection from the Indian variant of Covid.

While trying to protect those at highest risk, the vaccination programme is now extending also younger age groups. Starting from today, people aged 30 can book their vaccine. Then, according to the schedule, the chance will extend also to those in their 20s. As reports say, it could happen within next week.

Health Secretary Matt Hanckok applauded the “phenomenal pace” of the vaccination programme. He said: “Our vaccination programme is moving at such a phenomenal pace. Then he added: “I am delighted that less than six months after Margaret Keenan received the first authorised jab in the world, we are now able to open the offer to everyone in their 30s and over.” “The vaccine is our way out of this pandemic and recent data has shown the life-saving protection (that) a second dose of the jab can give, especially against the new variant.”

“I urge everyone to come forward when you get the offer and play a part in getting us back to normality.”GP and national medical director for primary care for the NHS in England, Dr Nikki Kanani, stated: “Getting the vaccine is the single most important step we can take to protect ourselves, our families and our communities against Covid-19 with the jabs saving thousands of lives already.”

Dr Kanani explained that the offer of the vaccine doesn’t expire. She said: “So, if you are eligible and haven’t booked, please do come forward when you’re invited to.”


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