Starting from November, care house workers must require the vaccine to enter the structure.

Starting from November 11, in England, covid vaccines will be compulsory for all care homes workers. This englobes any type of worker such as hairdressers, beauticians, healthcare professionals, and tradespeople; as long as they’re entering a care home for doing their job they’ll require on a compulsory basis to to the vaccine if they’re working in UK.
How we ended up with the compulsory vaccine for care home workers in UK
Since now, the vaccine has never been on a compulsory bases in the UK. Governments were just trying to persuade people to do the correct thing.
Many regulations have been put forward, such as the requirement of the vaccination certificate for entering gyms, restaurants, cinemas, clubs.
It’s been a while since the government was figuring out which working people categories should do the vaccine on a compulsory bases. As a result, Ministers are no longer considering making two doses compulsory for students. On the other side, it has become a requirement for care house workers due to last year’s cases. Within the care home structures, more than 30,000 residents contracted the virus and died. Obviously inside care homes we can find the most fragile part of the population and this regulation is to safeguard them. In addition, 47% of English care homes had more than a fifth of staff yet to take up the vaccine.
All this informations combined together with the rise of 36,660 cases and 50 deaths within 28 days, made the Minister final decision to make the vaccine compulsory for this working category.
Meanwhile the virus is hitting hard in US, with more than 100,000 infections reported. The Delta variant managed to spread in Florida and other states where vaccinations rates are still low.