In total, 450 institutions have signed up to the so-called Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (Gfanz).

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Boris Johnson worshipped the progress about climate so far at the global climate conference. However, he cautioned that the fate of the planet still hangs in the balance. Meanwhile, the Cop26 UN climate summit is a “question of will”.
Boris Johnson: Cop26 success is a question of will
Speaking in the Commons following his two days at the summit, he said that every summit going back to Rio de Janeiro in 1992 will have been missed because we will have let our participated aim of 1.5C to avoid the grasp.
“The negotiations in Glasgow have almost two weeks to run, but we can take heart from what has been achieved so far,” he declared.
Boris Johnson’s statement at summit
Mr Johson also added that the UK has ordered the world for action on coal, cars, cash and trees. The government have started to make development, substantial, obvious progress, on three out of the four. But the negotiations in Glasgow still have a long way to go.
“We have the technologies to do what is necessary. All that remains in question is our result,” said UK Prime Minister.
Boris Johson stated after Sunak’s opinion
His comments appear after Chancellor Rishi Sunak said the private sector also needs to dive to help fund the global fight against climate change.
The Chancellor stated that financial institutions managing 40% of global assets would follow themselves to the Paris Agreement’s 1.5C limit for global warming.
In total, 450 institutions have signed up to the so-called Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (Gfanz). It is an organisation led by the former Bank of England governor Mark Carney.