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No 10 party last year is investigated

Javid also stated that Case was not just seeing at a certain date but can watch whatever dates he wants to view.

Sajid Javid: lateral flow test before attending Christmas parties

Downing Street‘s event last year made Sajid Javid have suspicions. He recognised that Covid rules were not certainly followed at the Christmas party last year.

No 10 party last year is investigated

Mr Javid looked for the proof or footage about minim of social distancing there.

A row of parties accompanied by senior government formations has come to glow over the past eight days.

Stratton quit because of the No 10 party?

Plus, Allegra Stratton quit, perhaps for being caught joking about the lack of social distancing there.

Mr Javid did not know the reason Stratton had resigned but implied it may have been out of shame. It is because the footage reveals her laughing and gagging with No 10 associates when asked as part of a mock press conference on December 18.

The event happened when London was in tier 2. That the moment Covid level is in the “high alert” and indoor social mixing between households was prohibited.

Javid declared Simon Case would have a “wide remit” to investigate whether laws were violated.

“I think there is a need to have an investigation because I think there’s enough doubt that’s been thrown on this by the reports and by looking at that video.”

No 10 party made an unusual condition

A Tory MP said they had never witnessed the condition with Javid facing most opposition “from his side”. Some government frontbenchers purposely requested to be approved to miss the vote next week. Then they shouldn’t have to vote against the government.

Javid also stated that Case was not just seeing at a certain date but can watch whatever dates he wants to view.

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