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Green Technology: 5 Hi-Tech Gadgets That Respect the Environment

Considering the amount of electronic waste we produce, we need to implement green technology. The hi-tech field needs to renew itself and find greener solutions. Someone actually has already tried to combine technology and respect for the environment. As a result, we now have some eco-friendly, energy-efficient or easily recyclable products on the market. For example, there are fair trade smartphones, wooden earbuds and solar power banks.

green technology

Electronic objects are of course not the most environmentally sustainable, for several reasons. It is true that most of their components would be recoverable and reusable for new products. Yet, according to the UN, we produce 50 million tonnes of electronic waste (smartphones and computers on top) every year around the world.

And we recycle only 20% of this. The rest ends up in landfills or comes to poorer countries. With these premises, it is therefore difficult to talk about green technology.

However, the hi-tech field needs to renew itself and find greener solutions.

Someone actually has already tried to combine technology and respect for the environment. As a result, we now have some eco-friendly, energy-efficient or easily recyclable products on the market. So let’s discover some of them.

Fairphone, the First Fair Trade Smartphone

If we were to reflect on the environmental and social impact of technological products, we would have to start with one that we own practically everyone and which, it seems, we can no longer do without. We are talking about the smartphone. The main problem is that some components are based on minerals extracted mainly in conflict zones and dictatorial regimes, such as the Congo. As a result, they are being sold to finance the war, at the expense of the workers.

A Dutch company tried to change things, and a few years ago it launched Fairphone, the ethical phone. They have a completely transparent supply chain that people can check on their website. The raw materials, first of all, do not come from war zones. They also ensure that they respect the rights of workers. The smartphone is ethical also because it is designed to last a long time. In fact, it is easily repairable, as it contains various replaceable modules.

Green Technology: Solar Power Bank

If your phone’s battery can’t last the whole day away from home, you need a power bank. To orient your choice in a green way, you can buy one that works with renewable sources. Portable solar-powered battery chargers have photovoltaic panels, which store energy (clean, and free too!) to use when you need it.

You will find various price ranges, which of course are proportional to the energy output. They are all water-resistant and have USB cables for charging smartphones and PCs.

Wooden Earphones With Green Technology – and Packaging

Earphones are also becoming sustainable thanks to Woodbuds, a company that had the idea of using wood. The earphones, made of walnut wood, are available in 6 different colors. They come with a completely recyclable paper package and are compatible with the main technological brands.

But there’s more. For every 100 pieces sold, the company plants a tree. In addition, 1% of their profits go to associations that deal with environmental protection.

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