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Saint Lawrence not a Caravaggio original

25 April, 2020
After news of a possible discover of a new Caravaggio painting - “San Lorenzo” - the painting has been determined not to be of Caravaggio origin. The ‘Martirio di San Lorenzo’ was originally reported by the Vatican newspaper, Osservatore Romano,…

Italian art: Caravaggio outstrips Michelangelo

22 April, 2020
According to the New Yok times and Philip Sohm, an art historian at the University of Toronto, Caravaggio has surpassed Michelangelo in popularity and this has not only been proved by a spate of essays and writings which have recently…

Expo 2015: a new Louvre in Milan's Brera district?

16 April, 2020
Milan is a city holding its breath for the 2015 Expo when the event will hopefully breathe some new life into a city that often struggles to have its cultural qualifications recognised. The Brera district of Milan is truly beautiful,…

Caravaggio's masterpieces on display in Rome

15 April, 2020
In order to celebrate the 400th anniversary of Caravaggio’s death, an extraordinary exhibition will take place at the Scuderie del Quirinale from 19th February to 13th June. Something that, if you love art, you can‘t afford to miss; the show…

Lost Caravaggio painting possibly found by Italian art historian

14 April, 2020
A new Caravaggio painting may have been found; according to art historian Silvia Danesi Squarzina, Caravaggio painted a portrait of Saint Augustine which ended up in a private collection abroad. While delving into the Giustiniani archives - she told reporters…

Italian painter Caravaggio's remains found

14 April, 2020
The remains of Italian painter Caravaggio have been found in a cemetery at Porto Ercole, in Grosseto. Via carbon dating and metal tests to determine the possible presence of lead and mercury residue (commonly used by painters), scientists are 85…

Caravaggio's Conversion of Paul (or Saul) on display in Milan

5 April, 2020
Our colleagues over at 02 blog told us about this amazing exhibition called Caravaggio a Milano or Caravaggio in Milan on display at Palazzo Marino in Milan until 14th December. Actually this exhibition consists of only one painting, The Conversion…

Caravaggio virtual exhibition in Milan

27 March, 2020
2010 is the year of Caravaggio in Italy, as the 400th anniversary of the famous Italian painter’s death is celebrated. The Caravaggio exhibition in Rome was a huge success and this time the Caravaggio fever is moving to Milan, virtually…

Florence celebrates IV centennial of Caravaggio's death

27 March, 2020
After Rome, another Italian city, Florence, will celebrate the 400th anniversary of Caravaggio ‘s death with an interesting exhibition called Caravaggio e Caravaggeschi The exhibition, which will take place at the famous Palazzo Pitti and Uffizi Gallery from 22 May…

Milan to host 'Gli occhi di Caravaggio' exhibition

25 March, 2020
Since 2008 there has been a remarked resurgence in the interest of Caravaggio’s art with a series of high-profile exhibitions all over the world. Now it’s time for Milan to step in and give its own contribution. From March 11…

Rome celebrates 400th anniversary of Caravaggi0's death

16 March, 2020
Rome played an important role in Caravaggio ‘s art and in order to celebrate the 400 anniversary of his death, the eternal city has organised, besides the major exhibition taking place at the Scuderie del Quirinale (we had the chance…