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Easter in italy

Italian recipes for Easter: cheese pizza from Umbria

21 April, 2020
Easter in Italy is a time of traditional Italian recipes, where every family pulls out the old recipe book and makes something from times gone by. In Umbria, the “crescia” is famous, and often better known as a cheese pizza.…

Easter in Sicily: packages to Syracuse

19 April, 2020
Syracuse is on the world heritage list and looking at this photo you can see why. The Sicilian town is one of the main attractions of Sicily, with its Neapolis greek architecture and Ortigia being two gems to visit.The archaeological…

Easter holidays in Rome: hotel offers and long vacations

15 April, 2020
Easter in Italy is a great way to spend the holiday and it seems that the Belpaese is a favourite destination for many English and international travellers, especially to Rome. The eternal city is at the top of the preferred…

Easter in Tuscany: Lucca

10 April, 2020
Here’s a weekend package to spend Easter in Italy in Lucca, Tuscany. The San Luca Palace hotel is offering a three night’s stay from April 11 to 14 in a double room with breakfast for 360 euros a head.The package…

Spring recipes from Italy: pasta with asparagus

9 April, 2020
While it snowed yesterday in northern Italy, to welcome spring and Easter on April 1st, generally speaking signs that the warmer season is on its way are apparent. Which means some wonderful Italian dishes are just around the corner. We’ve…

Italian easter recipes: sweet bread "pagnotta" from Romagna

1 April, 2020
Sarsina, in the province of Forlì-Cesena, is an Italian town famous for Latin writer Tito Maccio Plauto, but also for the Italian easter tradition of the “pagnotta”. This sweet bread is one of the most well known in the region.Ingredients:…

Italian Easter recipes: lamb soup

31 March, 2020
There aren’t many opportunities to try Italian lamb dishes, but Easter in Italy is one time when you can indulge. Especially in Rome, an essential dish on the table at breakfast, or Italian Easter lunch is “brodetto d’agnello” or lamb…

Easter in Italy: in Tuscany at the thermal springs

28 March, 2020
If you’re staying in Tuscany for Easter, try something different and go to the thermal baths in the Val d’Orcia. Hotel Miralaghi at Chianciano Terme has offers from April 9 to 13 that include visits and treatments at the Parco…

Easter in Italy: traditions and folklore

26 March, 2020
“Pasqua” or Easter in Italy is a very important festival and holiday for the nation, more so than Christmas, as the church and Italians mark the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.The period before Easter, starting with Carnival to mark…

Olive oil Easter egg from Italy

24 March, 2020
While an olive oil Easter egg might not have much effect on Italian children who prefer Kinder Surprise Easter eggs, it could be an interesting match for olive oil buffs who also like chocolate.The unusual oil and chocolate match was…

Italian ricotta pie from Campania

17 March, 2020
If you were lucky enough to spend your Italian Easter in Naples, you may have had the chance to taste this traditional Neapolitan recipe from Campania - ricotta pie. Called la pastiera, the Italian dessert is made from shortcrust pastry,…