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Eicma girls

2011 EICMA Girls photo gallery: Part II

25 April, 2020
We have been talking a lot about bikes, mopeds and so on from the 2011 EICMA, but our very firts post from the Milan event was called “2011 EICMA Girls photo gallery: Part I“, which implied that a Part II…

Eicma girls 2008: sexy bikers at the Eicma show

6 April, 2020
You can’t have a motorcycle show without motorcycle girls and here we give you our first gallery of the Eicma girls, with the blonde sexy bikers present at the show. There are a couple of nice looking red-heads too.If you…

2009 EICMA girls part one

5 April, 2020
Did we completely forget to show you guys the sexy girls from EICMA this year?! Sorry, I guess we got carried away with the bikes. Check out this first round of pics and while you’re at it, you have got…

Eicma girls 2008: the brunettes

3 April, 2020
After our Eicma gallery on the blonde girls from the motorcycle show, we give you this look at the brunettes and some very fine motorcycle chicks.It just proves that Eicma is all about lovely models - and we don’t mean…

2009 EICMA girls part two

1 April, 2020
The second round of the girls from the 2009 EICMA show is here, showing some very classy ladies draped around the bikes on show. We just wandered around and took random shots so we leave it up to you to…

2011 EICMA Girls photo gallery: Part IV

21 March, 2020
Here’s the fourth instalment of our huge photo gallery dedicated to the pretty ladies attending the 2011 EICMA, once again courtesy of our mates from motoblog.it. This time we got another 85 pictures for you, and we actually did save…

2011 EICMA Girls photo gallery: Part III

17 March, 2020
We already published a bunch of images of the nice ladies attending the 2011 EICMA in Milan, and said that there were more to come. A promise is a promise, so - following the great success of Part I and…