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Italian people

Italian cooking: traditional regional vs national dishes – who wins?

23 April, 2020
Italian cooking will also celebrate 150 years of Italian unification this year, but the regionalism associated with traditional Italian recipes and dishes nearly always outweighs a nationalist interpretation of Italian cuisine. Over recent weeks, as Italy celebrated the date of…

Italian people: north Italy vs the south

23 April, 2020
To indulge in some stereotypes, while it pains me to say this, it’s quite possible that southern Italians are nicer than northern Italians. Or at least they have a “warmer” temperament, due possibly to the hot climate and laid back…

Taxi driver returns $21,000 US to Italian tourist

20 April, 2020
An Italian tourist who lost about $21,000 USD in Euro cash, thousands more in expensive jewellery and some passports has just had a lucky break from a Bangladeshi taxi driver in New York. The cabbie found the money and jewellery…

Video: Italian hand gestures. How to express yourself in Italy

15 April, 2020
Italian people are famous for the expressive way of communicating. Now, they will often combine the Italian gestures in this video with fast-paced, angry soliloquys, hysterical outbursts, sweet, ironic smiles or even as part of general conversation when relating anecdotes,…

The real Italy: interview with taxi driver in Rome

8 April, 2020
Who better than a cab driver to tell the story of a city? In Rome and Milan, we start a series of interviews with Italian taxi drivers, to glean the character of these complex and fascinating Italian cities.Two different cities,…

Italy vs the tourists: disrespectful tourists ignored by locals

31 March, 2020
In a recent survey by Le vie del gusto magazine with Italy’s local mayors, it’s been revealed that despite the importance of tourism to the national economy, the relationship between local Italians and tourists in Italy is often fraught.The number…