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Sexy italian men

Introducing Mr Italy: Gabriele Morra is Italy's sexiest man for 2010

1 April, 2020
Italy’s premier male beauty pageant finished up recently with Gabriele Morra elected as “il piu’ bello d’Italia”, or “Italy’s most beautiful [man]”. Unlike the Miss Italy contest, this is not actually televised, to the disappointment of many female Italian television…

Italian Olympian Andrew Howe in Vanity Fair exposé

28 March, 2020
The cover and a super-sexy photo shoot has seen Andrew Howe in Vanity Fair, in youthful exuberance ready for the Olympic Games. The 23-year-old will compete at the Games for Italy and is expected to bring home a medal from…

Francesco Allegra: Italy's hot bachelor model

27 March, 2020
Italy’s hot model, Italian stallion Francesco Allegra, could be Italy’s most eligible bachelor after it was revealed that the “Mister + bello d’Italia” is single. The weekly Star TV magazine dedicated an article to Francesco who is 29 years old,…

Sexy Italians in Dolce & Gabbana underwear campaign

16 March, 2020
Dolce and Gabbana have discovered some new protagonists for their latest ad campaign in some sexy Italian players….but not footballers. For the latest Dolce & Gabbana underwear ad, Italian rugby players are gracing posters throughout Milan and elsewhere, dressed only…