1 Bucharest in the night Source Author Biso Date Permission
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Visiting Europe can be notoriously expensive. Paris, London and Amsterdam are at the top of everybody’d list of must see places in Europe and the tourist industry knows that.
Each of the top three cities in Western Europe can be easily substituted for a counterpart in the east without compromising on quality. Here are the three hottest cities in eastern Europe:
Budapest, Hungary – Newly cosmopolitan, bohemian and laid back.
Grand buildings in Budapest house some of Europe‘s most amazing bathing houses and traditional Turkish Baths. Szechenyi Turkish Spa is on the Centre of Budapest and is packed with over 100 different pool, saunas and steam rooms of varying temperatures. An evening stroll along the Danube River could easily convince anyone that they were enjoying the Seine of Paris.
Belgrade, Serbia – Since the split of Yugoslavia, Serbia has shot up the ranks in terms of wealth of its patriots and its attitude to high end party venues. The attitude that Serbs have to partying displays itself at Splavovi, a huge area of party boats along the Sava River. Throw in their love of fashion and out of town shopping centres and you have something akin to London – with a budget price tag of course.
Bucharest, Romania – A huge art scene as well as a slightly grimy reputation. Bucharest is big, it’s dusty and its grey. Get yourself down there at night time though and every basement, back street and empty-looking garage is an opportunity to dance, get on stage with local bands and indulge in a little bit of weed-smoking. Who needs Amsterdam, hey?