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Baobabs Are Dying – But We Still Do Not Know Why

24 February, 2020
Another one of Africa’s many mysteries. For about ten years now, some of the biggest and oldest trees on the continent, the baobabs, have been dying. Plants between 1,100 and 2,500 years old are disappearing. In particular, nine of the…

Even Plants Have a Nervous System To Communicate Stress

23 February, 2020
A minor cabbage larva bites and swallows a piece of leaf. Immediately afterwards, a wave of light propagates in what remains of the plant, as if to signal the attack in progress. This is the alarm system that plants use…

Termites Built Their Own Underground City Over the Centuries

22 February, 2020
One of the largest and most complex megalopolises on Earth is almost unknown. And it wasn’t built by man, but by termites. We are in Brazil, particularly in the forest of Caatinga. Here scientists have used satellite images to calculate…

5 Reasons Why Contact with Nature Make Us Feel Good

20 February, 2020
Most of us spend most of our day indoors, like the workplace. Often without even doing much physical exercise. This condition can, in the long run, lead to more or less important health problems. But it only takes a few…

There Is a Vast Unexplored Cave Down in Canada

19 February, 2020
In Canada there is a huge unexplored cave. The dream of every speleologist has emerged from the snows of British Columbia. The entrance alone is about 330 feet wide. It seems that no one has ever entered the cave –…

How Climate Change Affects Rainfall Today in Our Hemisphere

17 February, 2020
How is climate change affecting rainfall today? Researchers at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) have tried to answer this question. To do so, they have developed an innovative approach, based on precipitation weather data from the last century…

How Insect Extinction Is Also Due to Light Pollution

16 February, 2020
Every year in the world, the total mass of insects decreases by 2.5%. And this has been happening for some years now. At this rate, insects could disappear completely within a century. The situation is so serious that the conservationists…

Surviving Fires: Nature Does It Better than Humans

13 February, 2020
Surviving fires is not easy, yet nature does it better than humans. Fire has an important and often negative impact on wild plants and animals, but some systems have adapted to it. And, paradoxically, some species cannot live without fire.…

Here Are The Most Incredible, Best Marathons in the World

12 February, 2020
The most famous are those in New York, with more than 50 thousand participants, that of Berlin and that of Athens. But there are many other suggestive marathons that can give unique emotions. Among them, we have the Outdoor Marathon…

4 Things You Probably Do Not Know About Rainbows

11 February, 2020
The word rainbow comes from the Latin arcus pluvius. This shows that even our ancestors understood its physical origin: there can be no rainbow without rain. But how are rainbows formed? They occur when sunlight – i.e. all wavelengths of…

There Is a Good Bacteria in Our Body That Helps Us Feel Better

3 February, 2020
It consists of colonies of microorganisms – over 1,000 species of bacteria, fungi and protozoa – that live in our digestive system. The bacterial flora, or gut microbiota, is a valuable ally for our health. First and foremost, it prevents…

Water Shortage: Why Are We Running Out of ‘Blue Gold’?

2 February, 2020
Our planet is experiencing an unprecedented water shortage. There are many reasons for this, but they all have to do with man – and climate change. First of all, world population is growing and this leads to an increase of…