Trump was at a rally in Pennsylvania yesterday when he claimed his son Barron had 'the China virus' for 15 minutes.

The US President Donald Trump said his son Barron had Covid ‘for 15 minutes’, a claim he had already made but changing the anecdote.
“Barron Trump had covid for 15 minutes”
Trump’s claim that his son Barron, 14, was tested positive to Covid only for 15 minutes was made yesterday at a rally in Martinsburg, Pennsylvania.
Donald and Melania Trump were diagnosed with the virus earlier this month and from then on at rallies, the US President claimed his son got the virus as well but according to his stories, he had it in very bizarre ways, for just “two seconds”, then for “15 minutes”.
It seems, in fact, that Donald Trump used the same anecdote at different rallies, but changing the ways his son was reportedly tested positive. At a rally in Iowa Trump told the crowd Barron had Coronavirus, saying:
“Barron Trump you know he had the corona 19, the China virus. It’s got 20 different names, but to me Corona means Italy. China is China, and it came from China so he had the china virus, right? And he had it for such a short period of time, I don’t even think he knew he had it. .. Because they’re young and their immune systems are strong and they fight it off.”
Then claimed he only had it for “two seconds”. Trump’s bizarre claims are now being considered as an excuse to reopen schools. The President, although changing his anecdote in different rallies, used it as an introduction to open biggest topics as schools reopening, a move opposed fiercely by teachers’ unions amid fears that they would be infected by pupils. In Pennsylvania Trump said: “We have to get back to school Pennsylvania, you have a governor who doesn’t want us to do anything in Pennsylvania – did you see the poll that came out were up two and were up four.”
The last debate between President Trump and Democratic candidate Biden was only last week and the long-awaited 2020 US presidential election is just around the corner, less than a week away.