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US elections 2020, Joe Biden is the new President of the United States

Joe Biden has been elected President of the United States of America: the Democratic candidate will lead the White House for the next four years.

joe biden
Joe Biden is the new President of United States

The victory of Joe Biden in the US 2020 elections had become increasingly certain and now official: as reported by several American agencies, the democratic candidate was elected President of the United States. It is the most voted in the history of the American elections (according to predictions, by the end of the counting will have won about 80 million votes).

An impressive result, although we can not speak of blue wave since even the outgoing president has increased the votes in his favor compared to the 2016 elections.

The speech of Joe Biden

Although the numbers all point to his victory, Joe Biden remains cautious and still does not speak as president.

Appearing onstage in Wilmington, Delaware, Obama’s former deputy limited himself to a brief appearance while making it clear that he felt confident of success. “We are convinced that in the end we will be the winners. An extraordinary result is coming,” he said. Assuring the Americans that they have the right recipe for economic recovery and climate change, he called for patience and waiting for official results.

Numbers for which we will have to wait a few more days, since both in Michigan and in Georgia there will be a recount of the cards. “Let us continue with the counting, democracy works and all votes will be counted. We are all Americans and I will work hard both for those who voted for me and for those who did not” he concluded.

Dem conquer the Senate

The Democratic Party takes advantage of the Senate, with 48 seats against 47 of the Republicans, according to CNN projections.

The dem advantage is due to the election of former astronaut Mark Kelly, Arizona, who beat Martha Mcsally for the post of former presidential candidate John Mccain. Donald Trump commented on Twitter: “With the attack of the Dem of the radical left on the Republican Senate, the Presidency becomes even more important!“.

Given the outgoing president’s refusal to accept the eventual defeat, according to sources informed Trump’s staff is considering who could be the most suitable person to communicate the obligation to leave the White House. At the moment he thinks of his daughter Ivanka Trump or Jared Kushner.

Nancy Pelosi: “Biden president-elect”

The winner of Biden is also Nancy Pelosi. The speaker of the House called the dem candidate “president-elect.We didn’t win all the battles in the House, but we won the war“.

Recount in Georgia

The Georgian authorities say that there will be a recount of votes. The decision was taken in view of the very small margin between the two candidates.The authorities stress that no fraud was detected.

Airspace closed on Biden’s house

Joe Biden seems a step away from victory. At the moment there is no official communication, but while we learn of the overtaking dem even in Pennsylvania, the Federal Aviation Administration has closed the airspace within a mile above the house of the Democratic candidate in Wilmington: a measure that is only for presidents. The news was leaked by CNN.

Even Pennsylvania is blue

After the historic victory in Georgia, Joe Biden also conquered Pennsylvania. According to DDHQ, he is the new president of the United States. The tycoon, however, would not be willing to grant victory to the opponent, reveal sources cited by CNN.

Biden overtakes Trump in Georgia

Georgia also becomes blue. According to CNN, Biden passed Trump by 917 votes; at the time 99% of the ballots were scrutinized.

Trump’s speech obscured by TV

On the (Italian) night of November 5-6, Trump gave a speech from the White House in which he again accused his opponent of fraud: “If you count the legal votes, I won. If you count the illegal votes, they’re trying to steal our victory“.

American television stations have taken a stand against the words of the tycoon. Abc, Cbn and Msnbc interrupted the broadcast of the speech, noting that they were “in the unusual position not only to interrupt the president but also to correct him”.

The CNN, while fully repeating the intervention, stressed that Trump has proclaimed himself the winner “without any evidence”.

Biden: “I will be the president of everyone”

There will be no blue or red states” Democrats or Republicans. There will only be “the United States of America. I will be the president of all” announced Joe Biden in a video message to the nation.

Trump announces the appeal

As the hours go by, the balance needle seems to be shifting more and more in favor of Joe Biden. Count every vote is the mantra that the supporters of the democratic candidate repeat, aware that completing the count, that is, taking into consideration all the votes by mail not yet counted, will most likely favor the democratic party.

The staff of Donald Trump instead asked for the recount of the votes and the stop to the count of those arrived in the mail after the election day. The tycoon has appealed to the Supreme Court for intervention in Pennsylvania and Michigan, but similar appeals are almost certain also in Georgia, North Carolina, Arizona and Nevada.

From Nevada comes the reply of Attorney General Aaron Ford: “We feel invulnerable. If you look back, my office has managed to win every time. We have safeguards to prevent fraud, I think we are impenetrable“.

Biden wins in Michigan and Wisconsin

Joe Biden getting closer to the White House. The Democratic candidate also won in Wisconsin and Michigan, after he had managed to overtake, albeit slightly Trump in one of the two states and approach the Republican candidate in the other. Now Obama’s former deputy is one step closer to reaching the 270 major voters needed to lead the United States.

Shortly after learning of the victory in Michigan, Biden who now got 253 major voters declared: “It is clear that we will win enough votes to get the 270 votes but I am not here to declare that we have won, but only to tell you that when the count is over we think we will be the winners“. But Trump is not there and is ready for battle

US elections 2020: Trump’s speech at the White House

A short distance from Biden, Trump also gave a speech to the nation to comment on the first results (still extremely partial). From the White House the tycoon thanked “the millions of Americans who voted for us today. Although a group of very sad people are trying to delegitimize us. The results were phenomenal. We’re ready to go out and celebrate this success. We won in states we didn’t expect to, like Florida. By now it is clear that we also won in Georgia, they will never join us. The same in North Carolina. And we’re winning in Pennsylvania by a margin of many votes. The Governor of Texas has already called me to congratulate him. Frankly, we have won this election. For the sake of the nation we must ensure that the law is used in the right way. We’re going to the Supreme Court. We will win this election, as far as I am concerned we have already won, but they are carrying out a fraud against the American people“.

The speech of Biden

Shortly before Trump, Joe Biden had also given a speech to the nation. Since Delaware, the dem candidate has stated that he is “on the road to victory” and has invited his voters to remain optimistic, but has at the same time recalled that “patience is needed. Have faith, said my grandmother. It is not up to me or Trump to say who wins, but I am optimistic”.

Trump and Biden’s first reactions

For both challengers it is a victory. The outgoing President spoke of a “great victory” and accused opponents of electoral fraud: “They’re trying to steal the election but we won’t let them,” he commented hotly before Twitter canceled the post because “it might be misleading as to how they participate in the election“. The social network quickly deleted the tweet of the president, considered controversial.

Joe Biden is also convinced that he has won: “We are on the road to winning the election. But it will take time and we must be patient: we did a great job. It is not up to me nor Trump to declare the winner of the round. “.

When are the first results coming in?

Based on the different time zones in which the United States is divided, the first results arrived around one o’clock Italian time, when they closed the seats in Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, South Carolina, Virginia, Vermont. The crucial issue of the election day came around 3 o’clock. At that time they closed in fact the seats of as many as 14 states: Arizona, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, South Dakota, Texas, Wisconsin, Wyoming. However, the counting of votes by post could make the ballots last much longer than expected, representing the real balance of this electoral appointment.



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