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Singles Day 2020 is here and is set to break new records

Singles Day 2020 is on November 11 and is the biggest 24-hour online shopping event.

singles day 2020

The long-awaited Chinese Singles Day is on November 11 and is expected to break new records this year.

Singles Day to break new records

China’s Single Day this year will need a massive workforce to meet the huge demand from customers.

Three million workers, four thousand aircrafts and cargo ships will help in this year’s Singles Day, set to break new records due to pandemic.

What is the Chinese Singles Day

Singles Day (also known as 11.11 or Double 11) is a Chinese online shopping event started in 1990 when a group of university students decided to celebrate single living.

Alibaba took over in 2009 turning it into a huge festival for single people that could treat themselves with shopping therapy to celebrate their status. It grew massively by 2015 when it started to feature an opening gala with performances by Mariah Carey and Taylor Swift.

This year, due to the pandemic, the biggest online shopping event of the world is set to break new records. Alibaba has in fact decided to host two Single Day’s celebrations, on running from November 1 to November 3 and the second starting November 11. Most high fashion brands are participating and even releasing special collections dedicated to the event (see Christian Dior). Michael Norris, from Agency China has confirmed: “We anticipate ongoing international restrictions will cause a meaningful shift in Chinese consumers buying luxury online.. “Luxury brands have also risen to the occasion, with an estimated doubling in the number of luxury brands participating in Singles Day.” Shaun Rein founder of China Market Research Group has also announced: “I expect beauty product sales to soar with foreign brands like L’Oreal doing very well. Sports apparel and vitamins will do well and consumers are placing increased importance on health.. Companies like Vinda which sells toilet paper will do well as will soap companies like Unilever as consumer stock up in bulk on must-have items”.

This year, the 24-hour online shopping event is set to break every record and although it being a festival primarily targeted towards China, it has the West staring at one of the biggest online sales ever existed. Vacuums, robot cleaners, air purifiers are set to be extremely popular due to the world situation but fashion brands will remain on top as the Chinese population is unable to travel and had to say no to their usual shopping travels and that is set to be an extra reason for them to set new records of buying. Experts are calling this ‘mood’ “revenge spending”. Just to give you an idea, last year the gross merchandise value got to £23bn, which was double that of Black Friday and Cyber Monday combined. The long-awaited Singles Day 2020 has even started early with the 1-3 November pre-event and has had a massive demand. Western retailers are super excited and so are Western shopping lovers, ready to take advantage of any discounts coming in thanks to this massive Chinese event. The big opening Gala is on November 10, it features famous Chinese music artists and Katy Perry. It will be broadcast live at 7:30 PM (CST).



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