Adopted 3,500 gorillas in six days from Reddit’s WallStreetBets: this has changed the fate of GameStop.

Reddit users have increased actions and adopted thousands of gorillas overturning GameStop’s fortune.
Reddit: 3,500 gorillas adopted in six days
Members of the WallStreetBets forum adopted as of Saturday over 3,500 gorillas, raising a total of $350,000, equivalent to £252,000 in donations to the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund.
On the forum now became popular the slogsn “Apes Together Strong” and users ironically call themselves “monkeys” each other.
The trend was born when a user shared on the site a certificate of adoption: thus generating a real wave of other adoptions of people who have decided to imitate it.
Dr Tara Stoinski, president of the charity, while speaking to the BBC paid homage to the community by thanking it for making a difference to the world and highlighting what can be achieved with the union between people.
The Redditors gathered around GameStop after his actions were under pressure, having noticed that the group has much value for man. In this way the sellers came out and were forced to buy back shares at a higher price.