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Chinese nuclear power plant leaks, Beijing: everything’s normal

t means China has been able to keep the plant running rather than closing it down to solve the issue.

Taishan Nuclear Power Plant

US intelligence reported that there is a leaking radioactive gas in a Chinese nuclear power plant station. The report also mentioned that it could become a major disaster.

Chinese nuclear power plant leaks, Beijing: everything’s normal

It is Taishan Nuclear Power Plant.

The nuclear power plant located in southern Guangdong province. A French firm that co-owns that facility reported it to Washington. There is a possibility that it has been leaking for about two weeks.

After the report, American agents are monitoring the situation since last week.

They found that it has the potential to become a major disaster but the facility is not at ‘crisis level’ currently. However, the power plant’s Chinese state owner insisted that everything is normal.

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Based on the document sent to the Department of Energy, the problems started in late May when Framatome, a French form, called out US intelligence agencies to alert them.

A follow-up memo sent on June 3 described the fission gas leak as the issue and asked for the DoE to share information and help solve the issue. Sadly, Framatome got no response and sent another memo on June 8. The memo asked for urgently reviewed their message.

What might happen in nuclear power plant in China

On that note, they explained the problem as ‘an immediate radiological warning to the site’. They also urged Chinese regulators had raised the ‘protected’ levels of radioactivity released around the plant.

It means China has been able to keep the plant running rather than closing it down to solve the issue. Framatome claimed China more than doubled the border. The new limit passes the current security standards in France.

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